جمهوری اسلامی نظامی بر پایه فساد و دزدی

گفتگوی رادیو پیام کانادا با دکتر مهرداد وهابی، پروفسور اقتصاد و پژوهشگر چپ در مورد تعریف “فساد” از زاویه اقتصاد، سیاست و اجتماعی. فساد و اختلاس در جمهوری اسلامی؛ مدل اسلامیزه اقتصاد بورژوائی.

لینک به کانال تلگرام رادیو پیام

مشاهده و یا پیاده کردن ویدئو با سایز کوچکتر:

گفتگوهای رادیو پیام کانادا در این رابطه:

فایل صوتى این گفتگو را از اینجا پیاده و یا بشنوید:


مشاهده این برنامه از طریق کانال یوتیوب رادیو پیام کانادا

گفتگوی رادیو پیام کانادا با دکتر مهرداد وهابی، پروفسور اقتصاد و پژوهشگر چپ در مورد تعریف "فساد" از زاویه اقتصاد، سیاست و اجتماعی. فساد و اختلاس در جمهوری اسلامی؛ مدل اسلامیزه اقتصاد بورژوائی. لینک به کانال تلگرام رادیو پیام مشاهده و یا پیاده کردن ویدئو با سایز کوچکتر: گفتگوهای رادیو پیام کانادا در این رابطه: نئولیبرالیسم و موضوع تورم - گفتگو با  دکتر مهرداد وهابی تورم و محوریت آن در ایران - گفتگو با  دکتر مهرداد وهابی جمهوری اسلامی نظامی بر پایه فساد و دزدی - گفتگو با  دکتر مهرداد وهابی فایل صوتى این گفتگو را از اینجا پیاده و یا بشنوید:   مشاهده این…

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One thought on “جمهوری اسلامی نظامی بر پایه فساد و دزدی

  1. I have worked much, since after the faillure of socialist camp, in 1989, in france , on this subject of ‘why transition to socialism failled all over the world ?, which goes much further than problems of and beyond capitalist mechanism of corruptions ! The solution I came up with was to create a new and a non-monetary — therefore non-banking or no need for centralized banking system — social mechanism of distribution of wealth , wich I called ” social accreditation ” or ‘ social credit ‘ in contradiction to and appart from monetary credit of banking system ! This ‘social credit’ is supposed to work best with transparancy and comual direct democracy and scientific liberty for research and development of free projects adopted by communities, by worker cooperatives or what I further developed of a Universal Social Political structure of world networks of communal scientific Global Universities developing ‘ social credit ‘ system ! One of it’s many advantages , will be that in such a non-capitalist–non-monetary social attribution of wealth and efforts , based on social-scientific values of Improved Human Rights , and Direct Democracy of most transparent — for it’s active members and active supporters — and shared knowledge accumulation in his active members ( 4 hours of social-community activities per day in 5 days a week and 10,5 months per year of activity — leaving 45 days of free time to active members and retirement benefits plus universal salary attribution of social credit from birth and health benefits etc… — will eliminate most criminal activities, priviledges or other corruptions including abscence of speculation on socil-credit values and Human Rights’ violations made all possible in republics and monetary–banking and stock market systems , that get eliminated in such new institutions ! It almost resembles to founding a new non-monetary, non–centralized banking system together with non-republican socialism where most ecological added rights and safe planet can be realized if universalized on more than twenty to thirty five 35 % of the global networks , and create eventually ”safe–networks” free from possible capitalist corruptions or violations if security schools and mechanisms are conceived to defend completely those new founding networks from capitalist interventions or destructions !

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